How we get you smiling again with full-service implant dentistry
Conventional restorative dentistry treatments have accounted for those visible parts of the teeth, such as the white crown. However, they did not consider the other vital portions that play a starring (not supporting) role in the structure of the teeth – notably, the tooth’s root! Implant dentistry has changed the paradigm. Restorations like crowns, bridges, and dentures can now be supported by implants that function like tooth roots to optimally stabilize the new teeth.
Furthermore, We Smile Dentistry in London, Ontario, can handle every step in the implant process. Our dentist, Dr. Giulio Spagnuolo, has the training and tools to plan and place each implant in the jawbone precisely. Additionally, Dr. Spagnuolo has considerable expertise in dental restorations. So, he can work with you to ensure that your crown, bridge, or denture looks, feels, and holds up in an indistinguishable way from “natural teeth.”
Our team is even equipped to provide mini-implants, a “graft-less” alternative to standard implants for patients whose jaws have sustained bone loss. And avoiding or stopping destructive bone loss is just one of the many benefits of implant-supported crowns, bridges, and dentures.
Our patients appreciate that their implant-retained teeth:
- Are an exceptional value
- Are designed to last for life (with consistently good oral care)
- Require no special care
- Promote utmost comfort
- “Stay put”; dentures don’t slide around when held in place by implants surgically placed and secured in the jaw
- Support clear and proper speech and efficient and painless chewing
- Prevent complications from tooth loss, such as teeth shifting toward gaps in the smile
- Prevent complications from bone loss; for instance, a drawn or collapsed facial appearance due to a lack of structural support
- Do not require altering existing teeth (as is the case with traditional fixed bridges)
- Do not place undue stress and wear and tear on neighbouring teeth (as is the case with conventional partial bridges, which connect to remaining teeth)
- Look and feel like natural teeth
If you currently have gaps in your smile, for instance, the process of bone loss has likely begun and quickly progresses.
Dr. Spagnuolo and our team can intervene in destructive bone resorption, as it’s called, and get you back to looking, feeling, and “being” your healthy and confident best. Call We Smile Dentistry in London, ON, at (226)-271-1460 today.