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The comfort and convenience of complete implant care near me

Dr. Giulio Spagnuolo is a “true implant dentist.” He has the knowledge and onsite capabilities to perform every part of the implant process from his office in London, Ontario. Getting your teeth replaced with implants is a process, albeit one that is incredibly rewarding and provides many unique advantages over other, older forms of tooth replacement. 

Get back to smiling again at We Smile Dentistry!

Gaps where teeth used to be can rob you of your former confidence and pride. Fortunately, you can fill those gaps conveniently and comfortably with implant dentistry services at our office. If we determine that you are a good candidate for dental implants, Dr. Spagnuolo will: 

  • Place the implant in the jawbone 
  • Add a connector or abutment piece to the implant (this is sometimes done during the same time as the implant placement)
  • Restore the implant by attaching the prosthetic tooth to the abutment and implant 
  • Work with you to keep your implant-supported tooth going strong

The implant is made from a special material, such as titanium, designed to be “biocompatible.” This means the surrounding bone naturally grows or integrates with the implant. This process results in a strong foundation for the prosthetic tooth. 

Once the implant has healed and integrated fully, and the prosthetic is attached to the abutment, it can function as a tooth root. Just like a tooth root, the implant stabilizes or holds the prosthetic in place. This is the only type of tooth replacement that rebuilds both the root and the crown visible above the gumline. 

There are unique advantages to this one-of-a-kind design. For one, it supports the most natural appearance, feel in the mouth, and function. Since the tooth is connected to the jawbone through the implant, the bony tissue also stays strong and healthy. The destructive process of bone loss is avoided. Implant-supported teeth can last a lifetime as long as you brush and floss your teeth properly and consistently. Of course, be sure to visit your friends at We Smile Dentistry as advised by Dr. Spagnuolo!

Find out more about this versatile, revolutionary treatment!

One implant and crown are appropriate to replace a single tooth. A few implants can support a dental bridge or partial. And just four implants may stabilize an upper or lower denture securely. 

Phone (226)-271-1460 to schedule your consultation at our office in London, ON today.

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